Day 22

Who'd have thought 3 weeks could feel so long. 

This is my last blog post, so I think its a good chance to round things off and sum up my experience of trying a vegan diet.

In all honesty, it wasn't massively expensive for the foods I had to buy. I would normally just stick to buying fresh veg, but being the only person in my house eating this stuff it was hard to go through it all, so a lot of it would end up in the bin. 
Note to self: buy less fresh veg and more frozen, its hard to eat a whole bag of sweet potatoes before they go out of date.

This is the big one that put me off. Call me lazy, but I really cba preparing every. Single. Meal. It helped making big meals in batch like soup and curries, but when you come in from the pub at 1am it just doesn't cut it. As a student with a job, I feel like I barely have time to chuck a pizza in the oven let alone peel butternut squashes for an hour for some below-average stew. 

Despite eating loads of carbs, I actually lost a bit of weight over the past 3 weeks. I feel like this has more to do with the fact that I had to be more conscious of what I was eating, so I wouldn't sit and snack on as much shite as normal. What I've also learned, vegan healthy. Towards the end it was definitely easier to just eat some crisps instead of mashing another avocado.

I'll definitely be making some of the recipes again, there are some cheaper alternatives and I really enjoyed making a lot of them. However, it made it easier for me knowing that there was an end to this lifestyle. I'll still try, but I just don't think I'm cut out for it full time yet.

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Thanks to anyone who has read these blogs, you've helped me get a marketing degree and I am eternally grateful.

Now I'm off for a Nandos.


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